Plastic pallets and packaging for export
Welcome to Logypal, Long-established company for packaging recycling chain! Logypal incorporates the experience and know-how Imball Nord, now Relicyc, has built over the years and combines the advanced technologies offered by Plastic Nord, a member of the company group, that produces recycled and non plastic packaging products.
First set up in 1981, our mission is customer_focused to offer and provide solutions satisfying precise requirements as well as guaranteeing cost-effective logistics.
About us
Imball Nord is the main farm of an industrial group among the biggest in Italy with dedicated factories and advanced plants both for the collection and processing of plastic material, and for the recovery of wooden pallets.
What’s Logypal
Logypal is totally made with recycled plastic. Logypal incorporates as well the experience and know-how Imball Nord, Leader in packaging recycling chain, as the advanced technologies offered by Plastic Nord.
Lightweight, sturdy compact design and immune from any parasite or bacteria infestation and damp, are Logypal features : Plastic pallet Logypal, is the economical alternative to ISPM15 heat treat wooden pallet, because it costs the same and does not require additional paperwork or specific marking.
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Latest News
L'Associazione Amico dell'ambiente ha vinto il PRIMO PREMIO nella categoria No Profit durante la XXIII edizione del Premio Mediastars, per... | Continua...
Imball Nord, in base alla nuova normativa ISO 2015, ottiene, tra le prime aziende a livello nazionale, la... | Continua...
It is now available our new plastic pallet by Logipal family. Logypal is completely made by 100%recycled plastic;... | Continua...
Logypal is brandname of the group Imball Nord, leader in the complete packaging recycling chain. First set up in 1981, Imball Nord, has always focused its core business on recyclable resources. The driving force behind this company has led to creating a highly efficient industrial recycling chain.